The ground must be designed to withstand the most extreme of loads where thousands upon thousands of art and culture enthusiasts flock year after year. The previously inavoidable wear is compensated for by renovating. SINNOTEC expertise extends from castles, galleries and museums, to lobbies and ball rooms, and makes a prestigious floor from so many a monotonous surface.
Either functional and practical or colourful and appropriate to shape – with SINNOTEC both go hand-in-hand! Each silicate screed, each concrete component can be designed both attractively and in compliance with the AgBB. This is particularly important in clinics so that patients and visitors feel well and respected. Experts say that recovery is significantly quicker in a pleasant atmosphere.
* AgBB = Committee for the Health Assessment of Construction Products
The method in which concrete is restored does make a difference. SINNOTEC silicate chemistry creates dense, solid surfaces, which virutally never become covered with algae because they do not give any pores for the spores to settle. Even if they belong to a clarifier, a fish farm or other permanently humidified buildings. For example, no vegetation whatsoever is to be seen on the SINNOTEC coating on the foundation pillars of the Sydney Opera House in Australia, which are almost permanently in contact with sea water.
The puristic character of an exposed concrete façade is very popular among architects. We are familiar with this dull grey appearance from bridge piers, schools or road crossings. The concrete facade can even newly shine! The fact that the optical effect of the ultra-smooth, ultra-hard surface is made possible by SINNOTEC silicate chemistry is appreciated by construction experts.
They look like the original, but consist of concrete: Refined concrete surfaces are as robust as you could dream of with SINNOTEC. The fascinating choice ranges from exposed aggregate concrete look, sandstone and terrazzo to the finest marble. Certainly an illusion. But for a very good reason: for the sake of resilience!
Hardly anyone can measure what weight a concrete surface must shoulder, how many pairs of shoes it must endure. The consequence: As soon as traces become visible, restoration is followed by further restoration. If the luster is gone, the effect also vanishes.
This is also of course due to the fact that hygiene is paramount in public areas. As if the soles were not enough stress, the ground is maltreated with more aggressive cleaners than elsewhere else. Whether sharp, sour, creamy or oily, the substances usually take more than just the dirt from the soil. Normal concrete would have no chance in the long run.
SINNOTEC can put a stop to constant improvements. Whether in castles, banquet rooms, concert halls, museums or galleries – ‘best to do it once and get it right’ is the motto. The best thing to do is to use SINNOTEC Silicate Chemistry as early as possible. Then the ground is ideally prepared for maximum load. And the visitors continue to come and permantently at your cost.
Exposed aggregate concrete, mirror-polished
Grey galaxy with slate islands
Red marble look with colourful pebbles
Black marble with terrazzo look